Jazmin Toka is a 23 year old with learning disabilities who lives with her mother and sister in San Bruno. After graduating from high school, Jazmin found herself with a job holding up signs by the side of the road in Redwood City. “I didn’t like doing that job, it was really boring. I wanted something more challenging!”, says Jazmin. With the help of a job coach, Jazmin started working at Ada’s in February 2017.
At Ada’s, Jazmin finally feels accepted and respected. “I get to work with a team and do different things like work the register and make sandwiches. Everyone is nice to me and I like to work with them.” Jazmin mentions that she has been well trained for the various tasks at the café, and that the rest of the team helps her out when she asks for help.
Jazmin primarily struggles with math and finds working at the register challenging. Looking at a series of numbers or having to read a lot of content overwhelms her. But, with additional math tutoring she’s more confident handling money.
During rush hour, the crowds at the café make Jazmin a little unsure about her actions. If this happens, Jazmin turns to her colleagues and knows that she has their support.
Through her job at Ada’s, Jazmin says she feels more fulfilled and thinks highly of herself. “I like knowing that I can take a bus and a train, get to work and meet so many people”. Talking to customers and her team, makes Jazmin feel confident. “I love talking to customers! Especially when they compliment my hair or nail paint!”
Jazmin hopes that other girls like her, who took special ed classes in high school and have learning disabilities, will find a place like Ada’s to work. Jazmin’s message to other girls like her is to "Work hard, get the right training and find a job where the team is as nice as Ada’s". Most importantly she says, “Ask for help. It will let you find opportunities you won’t expect”